
Falkland Islands Tourism Awards 2019

On Wednesday 17th April 2019 at a cermony held at Governmnet House for the 2019 Tourist Awards, representatives from the Falkland Islands tourism industry were brought together by the Tourist Board for the annual presentation.

The awards are nominated by people visiting the Islands throughout the tourist season, voting  for different tourism related categories for the person or organisation that stand out in mading their time in the Islands special.

Falkland Islands Holidays received the award  “Agency of the year” for the third year running.

Left to right: Margaret Williams, Manager, Jenny Luxton and Sue Smith

The Malvina House Hotel won the award for “Accommodation providing the best overall experience – Stanley”

Left to right: Carl Stroud, General Manager, Nicola Scott, Assistant Manager and
Renato Luengo Narbona, Restaurant Manager